Book Your Free Fat Loss Reboot Call Below 

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Step 2: Book Your Free Call ⬇️ 

What To Expect During Your Fat Loss Reboot Call:

Clarity on what is keeping your weight stuck right now.

An action plan to help you get unstuck and start making progress immediately.

Zero pressure
to buy anything! This call is about empowering you with the knowledge you need to make a permanent change.
Over-40 Professionals Are Getting Permanent, Life-Changing Results With This System
Randy: 45-YO Program Manager and Father
Work stress and injuries left him unhealthy. He felt anxious and his self esteem was down. Today, his newfound confidence helped him land a better job.
Susan: 45-YO Attorney and Mother of Two
Was suffering from high blood sugar (pre-diabetes) and felt like a ‘failure’. Today, she feels back in control of her health and has a newfound self-respect. 
Carita: 51-YO Doctor and Mother of Two
Weight gain made it hard to play sports with her kids. Today, she’s 50LB lighter, stays active with family and is ecstatic about her new body and life.
Andres: 51-YO Military Sergeant
His job requires him to stay fit into his 50s. Other online programs led to ‘yoyo-ing’ weight. We taught him how to lose the fat (30LB) for good.
Teri: 60-YO Property Manager & Yoga Instructor 
She had worked with a personal trainer for 2 year but was frustrated by the minimal results. Came to us at 59. We made her look 29.
Vincent: 50-YO Furniture Manufacturing Specialist
The extra weight was causing health issues and a vicious cycle of bad habits. Achieving a full transformation, he turned his body and his life around.
Check out the life-changing results other professionals over 40 are getting using my system: 
Here’s what people are saying about my system:
“I am human like everyone else and have some off moments but DEFINITELY doing a 180 from before this program to now.
And can see the reality of this being the new norm in my life, not just a phase. I've done the lemonade fast, Transformation Camp, Weight Watchers, Whole 30…
...this is by far the closest to REALITY and because of that it's easiest and more likely to maintain. Love this program! And we're only halfway through!”
- Esperanza
“…I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much your program has had an impact on my life. Honestly I still weigh about the same, give or take a pound here and there. I'm content where I'm at for the moment. I'm down a couple sizes and feel strong.
I do look back at my program when I get too off the food wagon and the knowledge I now have takes me right back to where I need to be and/or strive for.
I continue to use the Sharp Body app as often as I can…I'm sure you know how many people you have helped but I wanted to tell you how much you've helped me. I feel empowered during my workouts, and more so in my life since I joined your program…”
- Kim W.
“I have to say, one of the greatest things about this program (esp the workout side but also the nutrition side- have to eat for performance) is that it treats us like athletes, and not like "overweight people", which can be so stigmatizing and demotivating.
I've been regaining a lot of confidence by doing the strength training, thinking about all of the good stuff I'm going to be able to do soon (like get back on the bike and play tennis again) and it's a mental win-win thought cycle”
- Alison C.
“...I get on the scale for my weekly weigh in and boom, I'm under 200 lbs for the first time in many years.
No diet, just learned how to eat right for life from my friend Deekron Krikorian, be active and continue to work my body, the workouts have gotten really intense 3 days a week and it really shows.
Was 244 in September.. signed on with Deekron on February first, learned his ‘mind, meals and muscles’ philosophy and here I am getting closer to my goal of 180 pounds…
…I just feel so great most days from clean eating, not starving and reshaping my body that I want to encourage all my friends who want to make a change to do it.”
-John K.

“Just got out of my annual physical. Aside from slightly higher LDL, my numbers are amazing.
Thanks sir for improving my overall quality of life.”
"I haven't felt this good in over 30 years!"
-Gary R.
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